Challah with raisins


  • 18 oz. (500 g) all-purpose flour
  • 3.5 oz. (100 g) bread flour if you use yeast
  • 6.3 oz. (180 g) sourdough starter, or 1 packet (0.25 oz., 7 g) active dry yeast, or 0.9 oz. (25 g) fresh yeast
  • 1 tsp sugar to rise the yeast
  • 5 – 6.75 fl. oz. (150 – 200 ml) 2% low-fat milk
  • 6.75 fl. oz. (200 ml) heavy whipping cream
  • 3 – 4 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 whole egg + 1 egg yolk
  • 1 whole egg at the end to brush the challah with it before you bake it
  • Raisins are optional (but recommended) approximately 1 cup
  • You can also add cocoa powder to half of the strands.


If you use yeast, mix the yeast and 1 tsp sugar in 5 fl. oz. (1.5 dl) lukewarm milk and let it rise.

Sift the flour into a bowl, add salt, and sugar, and mix it. We make a well in the middle, and pour heavy whipping cream, egg, yolk, starter, and the 5 fl. oz. (150 ml) milk. We can add more milk if our dough is very hard during kneading.

We begin to knead. When it has pretty much come together into a ball, we put it out on the board and work out the dough thoroughly. It is good if our dough has a nice smooth, shiny surface and does not stick to the board.

Put in a bowl, cover it, and let it rise

  • with starter 4-5 hours
  • with yeast 3-4 hours

or put it in the fridge overnight.

Then cut into 4 or 8 identical pieces, depending on whether you want to bake one or two challahs. Add the raisins as you roll up the pieces one by one, cover them again and leave them to rest for 15 minutes.

After resting roll strands of the same length from the dough.

Braid the challah.

We lay it on baking paper and immediately brush it with a whole beaten egg. Make sure that the egg does not trickle between the braids. We now let our dough rise for about half an hour.

In the meantime preheat the oven to 375 Fahrenheit (190 Celsius). Brush the challah with the beaten eggs again, and you may sprinkle it with poppy seeds. Put it in the hot oven. After 10 minutes of baking, reduce the heat to 350 Fahrenheit (175 Celsius) degrees. The total baking time for smaller challah is about 30-35 minutes, and for the large challah is 40-45 minutes in total.

SnowRunner – Taymyr (spoiler)

Drowned Lands

Where to find cargo

Railway StationCargo container (2 slots)
Oil barrels (1 slot)
Cement (1 slot)
Service spare parts (1 slot)
WarehouseMetal beams (2 slots)
Vehicle spare parts (1 slot)


Where to find cargo

QuarryConcrete slabs (2 slots)


Clearing The WayMetal beams x2Fallen tower (North)
Off-RoaderTruck repaired and refueledNorthService HubThe Service Hub location on the Quarry map is revealed when the truck is repaired and refueled.

SnowRunner cheats and mods



SnowRunner task and contract information with interactive maps at


There are many SnowRunner mods available to enhance the game experience.

An extensive mod collection is at

Interesting mods

Install the Node.js development tools


NPM is a package manager for the JavaScript programming language. Install it to be able to install other applications too using Node.js.

On macOS

  • In the terminal execute
brew install node

On Windows

  • Download the 64 bit version of the Windows Installer (.msi) from
  • Start the installation
  • On the Tools and Native Modules select Automatically install the necessary tools
  • Press the Enter key to build the Node.js native modules
  • Press enter again to accept the license
  • Allow PowerShell to execute the scripts
  • When you see the message
    Packages requiring reboot: …
    press enter to close the window and reboot the computer

In case of errors

  • Run the Install Additional Tools for Node.js from the Start Menu to complete the failed installation

Install software development tools on Macintosh

There are tools and utilities software developers use to write, test and deploy code. These are some of them to make our life easier.

Commonly used applications

Text Editor

Visual Studio Code


  1. Download it from
  2. Double click the downloaded ZIP file to extract the application,
  3. Drag the Atom application into Applications

Configure Atom

See Atom text editor configuration

Terminal Window


Install iTerm2, a smart terminal emulator to issue Bash commands and log into Linux servers.

See Install and configure iTerm2


See Install Git on Macintosh

Install JQ

JQ is a JSON command line tool to read, write and convert data to an from JSON.

brew install jq

JSON in the browser

To automatically pretty print JSON responses in Chrome

Remote Desktop Client

Download the Microsoft Remote Desktop app from the App Store

  1. Open the App Store
  2. Search for “microsoft remote desktop”
  3. Click the Microsoft Remote Desktop icon
  4. Click the blue Get button
  5. Click the green Install App button

Docker Desktop

Kubernetes cluster management


OpenLens is the open source (free) version of the Lens application. Muhammed Kalkan provides binary builds and installation instructions on his GitHub page at ttps://

The simplest is to install OpenLens with Brew using his builds:

brew install --cask openlens

Nice to have utilities

Window Manager


Rectangle is a window management app based on Spectacle, written in Swift.
Installation instructions are at

  1. Install Rectangle with
    brew install --cask rectangle
  2. Configure iTerm for better resizing behavior with
    defaults write com.googlecode.iterm2 DisableWindowSizeSnap -integer 1

Comparison tools


Smart diff visualizer that highlights the parts of the line that changed

  1. Install it
    brew install diff-so-fancy
  2. Configure Git to use it as the default diff tool
    git config --global core.pager "diff-so-fancy | less --tabs=4 -RFX"

Install the database management tools

Working with Windows servers from the Mac

If you want to work with Windows servers, you may need to run Windows applications on

Memory usage monitor

  1. Download  Dr. Cleaner Elite from the App Store to be able to monitor memory, CPU and network usage from the Menu Bar.

Install the DevOps development tools on Macintosh


The Amazon Web Services command line interface installation will set up your workstation to launch instances in AWS from Test Kitchen. If you know you will work with AWS, see DevOps Engineering part 3. – Working with AWS for the AWS CLI installation.

Chef Development Kit

Terraform by Hashicorp

 Terraform Installation

  • Open a terminal window and execute
    brew install terraform

Vault CLI

Install the Vault CLI from

Currently the command to install Vault is 

sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/bin
brew tap hashicorp/tap
brew install hashicorp/tap/vault

SQL Command

To be able to execute Microsoft SQL commands from the command line or through Terraform, install the MS SQL utility

  1. Install NPM, the JavaScript package manager
    brew install node
  2. Install SQL CLI
    npm install -g sql-cli
  3. Check the installation by displaying the version information
    mssql --version

More information on the tool is at

Rarely used tools


We use Packer to create custom AWS AMIs that contain the fundamental configuration and applications that are common in every instance we launch.

Install Packer


Graphviz is a Dependency Graph Visualization Software. We will use this utility to display the Terraform graphs.

To install execute the following in the terminal

brew install graphviz


For the VirtualBox installation on your operating system see: VirtualBox


For Vagrant installation see Vagrant.


Ruby is already a part of the operating system.

Refueling in SnowRunner

You can always refuel your truck at the Fuel Stations, but there are fuel trailers on the maps where you can also fill up the tank of your truck.

  1. Park your truck close to the fuel trailer, so the fuel tank of the truck is close to it. If the truck has a long bed, like the Azov 64131 with a sideboard bed and a crane installed, the tank is too far from the trailer to detect it when you back to the trailer. Approach the trailer with the side or the cab of the truck.
  2. In the menu select Refuel.
  3. Set the trailer as the source, and the truck as the target.

SnowRunner – Alaska, USA (spoiler)

North Port

There is an unfinished oil pipeline north of the garage. The unfinished pipe on the road blocks the easy access to the north side of the map. To open the road

  1. Open the Contracts list
  2. The Black Bird company is looking for help with Pipeline Construction. Complete it and the road opens.
Service SiteDrilling spare parts
Lost pipeLarge Pipe x1 (4 units long)– In the water north of the Drilling Site (crane needed) or
– West Factory or
– Port
Drilling siteA truck with a crane can pick it up north of the drilling site. No crane is needed at the port or the West Factory. Make sure the bed or trailer can hold a 4-unit long cargo because the pipe has to be “packed” to be available for unloading.
RoadblockMetal beams x1FactoryRoadblock north of the Garage
Black Bird co.
Pipeline construction
Spare partsWarehouseOil pipe construction north of the Garage
Black Bird co.
Floating drill
Oil rig salvage semi-trailerService Site in the southeast cornerPortSaddle high needed

Mountain River

Service HubService spare parts
Saw MillWooden planks
FactoryMetal beams
North Warehouse Small pipes
Medium pipes
Concrete slab
Restoring The BridgeConcrete slab x1
Service spare parts x2
Working StiffRepair a Caterpillar and take it to Saw MillSoutheast hilltopSaw Mill
Environmental issueCurtainside trailerNorthResearch zone
To White Valleyopen

Pedro Bay Alaska, USA

Stock LoadingWooden planks
Dangerous RouteWooden planks x4Stock LoadingBridge (North)
Morrison’s LandslideWooden planks x4Stock LoadingLandslide (North)
Family TreasureCurtain side trailerBehind Weather Conditions in a meadowBoat Station
Weather ConditionsScoutWeather ConditionsBoat Station
Old Mack and Drowned Car HummerNorth of Family TreasureParking Lot
Pole DownWooden planks x2Stock LoadingFallen electric pole
Moving the StockOil barrels x1
Wooden planks x2
Oil fields (crane needed)
Stock loading

White Valley

AirportDrilling equipment ( 4 slots )
Oversized cargo ( 4 slots )
Consumables ( 1 slot )
West WarehouseSmall pipes (2 slots)
Medium pipes (2 slots)
Large pipe (4 slots)
Concrete blocks (1 slot)
Cement (1 slot)
BridgeService spare parts x2 on a sideboard trailerOil Rig Service SiteBridge
Long BridgeWooden planks x2
Service spare parts x2
Logging Station
Service Hub
Long Bridge
Deep River DivingScout 800East of Long BridgeParking
Blocked TunelWarehouse or Factory
Concrete blocks x1
Small pipes x1
Nort-west tunnel

Unlock every truck and customization in SnowRunner

XD Development at shows how to unlock everything in SnowRunner, but it is a very fast pacing video. You can watch it at half speed, or read the steps below:

  • Download the unlock_all.rar file from
  • Install WinRAR from
  • Open the Snow Runner game directory on your computer
    • If you installed from Epic, the game is at “C:\Program Files\Epic Games\SnowRunner”
  • Make a copy of the SnowRunner directory to be able to roll back the changes if anything goes wrong during the update
  • Move the downloaded unlock_all.rar file into the “C:\Program Files\Epic Games\SnowRunner” directory and open it with WinRAR
  • Create a temp directory in the “C:\Program Files\Epic Games\SnowRunner” directory
  • Copy the folders from the unlock_all directory in unlock_all.rar file into the “C:\Program Files\Epic Games\SnowRunner\temp” directory

  • Open the “C:\Program Files\Epic Games\SnowRunner\en_us\preload\paks\client” directory in File Explorer
  • Open the initial.pak file with WinRAR

  • Drag the directories from the “C:\Program Files\Epic Games\SnowRunner\temp” directory into the initial.pak file
  • Close both instances of WinRAR and start the SnowRunner game.
  • All free trucks and customizations should be unlocked.

How to purchase all the goodies

Now you only need money to buy the trucks you now have access to. Check out Add money to your SnowRunner character.

Configure cron jobs in macOS

We will use the crontab command to schedule a daily backup of important files on our Macintosh.

  • Open a terminal window
  • If you only need access to your personal files continue to the next step
    • To be able to access protected files too, switch to sudo with
      sudo -i
      and enter your password.
  • Execute the command
    crontab -e
  • The VI editor opens, enter the scheduling command.
    This example runs every day at 11:00 pm, changes to the backup_scripts directory, executes the script and saves the cron logs in the /tmp directory
    0 23 * * * cd ~/Git/_Work/BACKUPS/backup_scripts && ./ 2>&1 >> /tmp/cron.log