Template variables are not supported in alert queries – Grafana error

When you try to create the first alert on a Grafana dashboard, you may get the error message:

Template variables are not supported in alert queries


All queries of the panel use at least one template variable with the format ${VARIABLE_NAME} or $VARIABLE_NAME

Template variables usually represent the value of selected items in dropdown lists, like the data source, region, queue name.

Alerts run queries outside of the dashboard, do not have information on the value of selected items. Alert queries have to be able to collect data without user interaction.

In the AWS SQS Queue dashboard template # 584 there are three template variables we need to replace with selected items:


Click each variable and select the appropriate values from the lists.

To create a new query without template variables

  • Click the + Query button at the bottom of the Query tab

Tejfölös, mustáros sült hús krumplival


  • Néhány szelet hús
  • Hagyma
  • Krumpli
  • Alma ( zöld alma a legjobb )
  • 2 dl Tejföl
  • Fehér bor
  • Mustár
  • Bors


  1. Besózzzuk, megborsozzuk a hús szeletek mindkét oldalát
  2. Pici olajjal kiolajozzuk a hőálló tálat
  3. Kevés fehér bort teszünk bele
  4. Alulra tesszük a húsokat
  5. Rátesszük a karikára vágott hagymát
  6. Rátesszük a vastagabb karikára vágott almát
  7. Rátesszük a vastagabb karikára vágott krumplit
  8. Tejfölt mustárral összekeverjük, kicsi sót teszünk bele
  9. Az öntetet rákenjük a tetejére


  • Alufóliával lefedve 30-35 percig 180 celsius fokon alsó felső sütéssel a húsokat puhára sütjük.
  • Levesszük a fóliát, felülre tesszük a húsokat és 180 fokon a húsok mindkét oldalát kicsit pirosra sütjük. Ha sok a lé, légkeveréssel pirítjuk, hogy kissé elpárologjon.
  • Amikor megfordítjuk a húsokat, megkenjük a lével.

Encountered exception: The request identified this synchronization job…

During Azure AD user on-demand provisioning you may encounter the error message:

Encountered exception: The request identified this synchronization job: …. The request also identified this synchronization rule: . However, the job does not include the rule.

To fix this issue click the Retry button at the bottom of the page.

This object does not have required entitlement for provisioning

Microsoft Azure Active Directory services provides authentication to your application.

User provisioning may fails with this message:

Result Skipped

Description The User ‘…’ will be skipped due to the following reasons: 1) This object does not have required entitlement for provisioning. If you did not expect the object to be skipped, update provisioning scope to ‘Sync all users and groups’ or assign the object to the application with entitlement of provisioning category

SkipReason NotEffectivelyEntitled

This message is displayed, because there is a problem with the user assignment record stored in Azure AD. To fix this issue, un-assign the user (or group) from the app, and re-assign it again.

How to add your COVID-19 vaccination record to Apple Wallet

California maintains a state-wide database of COVID-19 vaccinations. Apple Wallet supports the digital vaccination records since iOS version 15.1

To add your COVID-19 digital vaccination record to your Apple Wallet

  1. On your phone or computer navigate to https://myvaccinerecord.cdph.ca.gov/
  2. Enter your first and last name, date of birth, and the phone number or email address associated with your vaccination record
  3. Create and write down a temporary four-digit PIN to access your record.

  4. A link will arrive as a text message or email depending on the associated information you have entered. The link is only valid for 24 hours.
  5. If the link arrived to your phone, send it to another device, or to a family member, friend or coworker you are with, and and ask them to open the link.
  6. When you open the link enter the four digit PIN you have created above.
  7. Point the camera of your iPhone to the QR code on the vaccination record.
  8. Select the Health QR Code Open in Health popup

  9. Select the Add to Wallet & Health button

  10. The vaccination record is available in the Apple Wallet and in the Health app under Immunizations.

To save the COVID-19 digital vaccination record in Notes

  1. On the web page of the digital record select the DOWNLOAD IMAGE button

  2. Select the Download link
    1. If you opened the link in Safari
      1. Select the blue dot with the white arrow

      2. Select Downloads

      3. Select the downloaded file

    2. If you opened the link in another browser
      1. Open the Files app

      2. Select the Browse image and select Downloads

      3. Select the downloaded file

  3. At the bottom select the Share icon

  4. Select Copy

  5. Open the note and paste the image into it.

Integrate Anaconda into Pyenv

If you use Pyenv to install multiple Python versions side-by-side and installed Anaconda to create virtual environments for each of your projects, install pyenv-virtualenv to integrate them.

Anaconda without the pyenv-virtualenv integration overwrites the PATH, and places itself to the front before pyenv would be able to handle the Python command calls. pyenv-virtualenv seamlessly combines the functionality of pyenv and Anaconda to handle the multiple Python versions and virtual environments.

The source code is at https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv-virtualenv

Install pyenv-virtualenv

Use Home Brew for the recommended installation

brew install pyenv-virtualenv

Add the initialization code to the ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc file:

if which pyenv-virtualenv-init > /dev/null; then eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"; fi

Install multiple Python versions with Pyenv

Pyenv is a Python version manager. It is recommended, because it does not depend on Python, (written in Bash) and using it we can install and utilize multiple Python versions without affecting the Python version used by MacOS.

The Pyenv source code is at https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv

Install Pyenv

We will use Homebrew to install Pyenv

brew install pyenv

Install the latest stable version of Python with Pyenv

Check https://www.python.org/downloads/macos/ for the latest stable release.

pyenv install 3.11.1

Set the new Python version the default

pyenv global 3.11.1
# check if the change took effect
pyenv version

Configure your shell to use Pyenv for Python version management

Add these lines to your .bashrc, .zshrc or .bash_profile file

PATH=$(pyenv root)/shims:$PATH

if command -v pyenv 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
  eval "$(pyenv init -)"

Use virtual environments with Anaconda

Anaconda (conda) can create a python bubble for you with no preinstalled packages. You can create a Python virtual environment for each of your projects to isolate them and only install the required packages.

When we distribute our code, we should specify the list of referenced Python packages including their versions in the requirements.txt file. This enables any other developer ( and the Docker container build process ) to install the appropriate packages and be able to successfully run our application.

When you install packages with pip, those packages are global, every project can see them. When we execute the pip freeze > requirements.txt command, all installed packages will show up in the requirements.txt file, not just the short list needed for the particular application.

When you execute your application, Python will prompt you to install the referenced packages. The resulting list is usually much shorter, than the long list of globally installed packages.

Install Anaconda

Download the installer from https://www.anaconda.com/products/individual

Create your first virtual environment

To create an environment with only generic packages installed execute the command:

conda create -n MY_ENVIRONMENT_NAME python=3.10
# At the time of writing python version 3.10
# is the latest for Anaconda packages

To create a new environment based on a requirements.txt file:

conda env create -f=requirements.txt -n MY_ENVIRONMENT_NAME

To create a new environment based on an environment.yml file:

conda env create -f=environment.yml

Working with virtual environments

List the Python virtual environments. The asterisk (*) shows to current environment.

conda env list

Activate an environment

conda activate MY_ENVIRONMENT_NAME

Delete an Anaconda environment

conda deactivate
conda env remove -n MY_ENVIRONMENT_NAME

Generate the dependency list for you project

Generate a standard text file with the list of packages and their versions installed in the current Python environment. This enables the Docker build or any developer to reproduce the same Python environment you have on your developer workstation.

pip freeze > requirements.txt

ERROR HMAC did not pass!!

The DocuSign Connect interface can send REST API requests to your HTTP listener using HMAC ( hash-based message authentication code ) security. This guarantees the integrity of the contents of the message:

  1. You generate a secret key in the DocuSign web UI,
  2. During the webhook call DocuSign generates the SHA-256 hash of the raw body of the message and includes the base-64 encoded value of it in the x-docusign-signature-1 header element,
  3. Your listener application generates the SHA-256 hash of the raw body of the received message using the same secret key, and compares the result with the value of the x-docusign-signature-1 header element.

To set up HMAC security, first you need to generate a key in the DocuSign Connect web UI. The generated key appears only once in a text box where you cannot highlight the value.

It is important to know, that the secret key is a base-64 encoded text ending with an equal sign (=).


One way to copy the value is to right-click the field and select Copy. This method does NOT copy the ending equal sign, but you can manually add it to the end of the string.


Another way is to right-click the field and select Inspect.

On the Elements tab of the Developer tools double click the key value.

Copy the value.

Make sure to include the equal sign at the end.

Calculating the HMAC hash

When your application calculates the HMAC hash, use the raw body of the message without any transformation, and the copied secret key value, do not decode it from the base-64 format.


To inspect the contents of the REST API request use free tools available on the Web.

Use webhook.site to receive test messages from DocuSign. Set the unique URL in your DocuSign application and generate an event by signing an envelope.

The webhook.site UI displays the message including the x-docusign-signature-1 header value and the message body.

To copy the raw content of the body click the Copy link

Copy the raw body of the message and your DocuSign secret key into the Online HMAC Generator and generate the HMAC hash.

Set the

  • Key type to TEXT
  • SHA variant to SHA-256
  • Output type to Base-64

Compare the Result with the x-docusign-signature-1 header value.

Error: invalid SQS queue name

When you create anAWS FIFO SQS queue with Terraform, you may get the error message:

Error: invalid queue name

The name of an AWS FIFO SQS queue has to end with .fifo ( my-queue.fifo )

The name of any AWS SQS queue cannot be longer than 80 characters, and can only contain letters, numbers, dashes ( – ), and underscores ( _ ).