North Port There is an unfinished oil pipeline north of the garage. The unfinished pipe on the road blocks the easy access to the north side of the map. To open the road Open the Contracts list The Black Bird company is looking for help with Pipeline Construction. Complete it and the road opens. Location …
Category Archives: Not for home page
Unlock every truck and customization in SnowRunner
XD Development at shows how to unlock everything in SnowRunner, but it is a very fast pacing video. You can watch it at half speed, or read the steps below: Download the unlock_all.rar file from Install WinRAR from Open the Snow Runner game directory on your computer If you installed from Epic, …
Continue reading “Unlock every truck and customization in SnowRunner”
Configure cron jobs in macOS
We will use the crontab command to schedule a daily backup of important files on our Macintosh. Open a terminal window If you only need access to your personal files continue to the next step To be able to access protected files too, switch to sudo withsudo -iand enter your password. Execute the commandcrontab -e …
How to restore hidden and protected files from Time Machine backups
Time Machine backs up all necessary files to restore your computer in case of a disaster. Hidden directories are backed up, but you need root (sudo) permission to access some of them. The Time Machine restore process cannot restore protected files and directories one-by-one, only when you restore the entire machine backup. This table shows …
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Chef workstation configuration
Install the AWS EC2 drivers Open a Bash or CMD window in the Chef cookbook folder Install the kitchen-ec2 driverchef gem install kitchen-ec2 More info on the ec2 driver at Add the gem folder to the path On Macintosh Add the path to the ~/.zshrc or ~/.bash_profile file On Ubuntu Add the path to the end …
“0 available” cargo in SnowRunner
When you load your own truck with a crane in Snowrunner, make sure you ”pack the cargo”. It is important to secure it for transport, but most importantly when you deliver it to the drop off location, if the cargo is unpacked, the cargo action shows “0 available”. Solution In the action menu select ”pack …
Delta S2302 termosztát programozása
A Delta S2302 termosztát magyar nyelvű használati utasítását itt láthatod: Itt található a hasonló formájú Delta C2RF többzónás termosztát használati utasítása: Idő és nap beállítása Programozás Ha a programozás közben 15 másodpercig nem nyomsz meg gombot, a termosztát elmenti a beállításokat és kilép a programozás módból. Programozás indítása Hét napjainak a beállítása Ebben az állásban …
Stop iPhone charging at 80%
Apple and battery experts recommend keeping lithium-ion batteries charged between 30% and 80% for a longer life span. Most people charge their phones overnight, so it is hard to disconnect the charger when the charge level reached 80% even if we set up a notification based on battery condition. Automatically Stop charging This post explains …
iOS 16 recommended settings
Apple introduced iOS 16 on September 2022. These are the new features of the operating system: I have collected some recommended settings changes for iOS 16. To change them open the Settings app on the iPhone. Settings Accessibility Touch Tap or swipe to Wake – off Prevent Lock to End Call – on Face …
My Family Tree használata
A My Family Tree program telepítése Töltsd le a programot a oldalól Töltsd le a telepítőt (My Family Tree) és a nyelvi kiegészítőket (Language Pack) is Telepítsd a programot és a nyelvi kiegészítőt is. A My Family Tree konfigurálása Az első indításkor a program engedélyt kér, hogy az internete használhassa térkép kezeléshez és frissítések …