Using Kerbal Space Program

Rename the spacecraft To rename a launched spacecraft In the Tracking Station select the vessel In the lower right corner click the Info button Double-click the name of the vessel to change the name and the image Rename docking ports Install a mod To rename docking ports install the Docking Port Alignment Indicator mod from …

Working with Kerbal Space Program Subassemblies

We can save reusable modules as subassemblies in the Kerbal Space Program Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) and the Spaceplane Hangar (SPH). Misleading assembly list display This is a very dangerous feature. Every subassembly is listed in the main folder, subfolders are just for display purposes to list fewer items. So DO NOT clean up subassemblies …

Beuer BC 80 Vérnyomásmérő

Dátum és idő beállítása Az idő formátum, dátum és idő beállítása egy egybefüggő folyamat, végezd el amikor elemet cserélsz a készülékben. Idő formátum beállítása Tartsd a START/STOP gombot 5 másodpercig benyomva Az M1 és M2 gombokkal válaszd ki a 12 vagy 24 órás formátumot Rögzítsd a START/STOP gombbal. Dátum beállítása Ha az előző lépésnél a …

Anyu Gyümölcskenyere

Hozzávalók 15 dkg cukor (fele barna cukor) 1 csipet só 6 tojás (fehérje, sárgája szétválasztva, a fehérjébe ne kerüljön sárgája, mert nem verődik fel habbá) 1 csomag (12 g) sütőpor 1/2 csomag (5 g) vaníliás cukor 4 púpos evőkanál csemlemorzsa 2 lapos evőkanál finomliszt 35 dkg (12 oz.) gyümölcskeverék (cukrozott narancshély, durvára aprított dió, füge, …

Launching a spacecraft in Kerbal Space Program

If your spacecraft is already on the launch pad You can place your spacecraft on the launch pad, and before launching it you can visit another part of the space center. To launch your already prepared spacecraft Return to the launch pad In the upper right corner click Launch vessel Select your spacecraft

Docking in Kerbal Space Program 2

We will discuss two docking methods: The launch, orbit injection, and matching the inclination of the target are the same for both methods, we will start with these. Install the recommended mods There are mods for Kerbal Space Program 2 which make space flight much easier. We will not use “cheats”, these mods display the …

Kerbal Space Program cheats

Building the right spacecraft and flying those successfully can be challenging in Kerbal Space Program. To aid beginners KSP has official, but not well-advertised cheats. Emergency exit When something goes terribly wrong (it can happen any time in Kerbal Space Program) on the PC press Alt-F4 to exit the program without saving. Windows terminates the …

KSS space station construction in Kerbal Space Program

The easiest way to build a space station in low Kerbal orbit is to build it in the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB), break it apart and save the modules as subassemblies, launch the modules individually, dock them together in orbit. Build the space station You can build the space station yourself, or load one from …