Freight train traffic jam in Cities: Skylines

If there are too many trains causing traffic jams in your game, you can fix it by reorganizing your train network.

There is an excellent explanation of how Cities: Skylines spans trains through the outside connections at

In summary

  • Create a separate train station for each outside train connection,
  • Separate the intercity and local train traffic to its own train networks.

Elektronikus könyv küldése az Amazon Kindle-re a Send to Kindle programmal

A legegyszerűbben az Amazon által készített Send to Kindle programmal tudjuk az elektronikus könyvet a Kindle-re küldeni.

A program telepítése

  • Töltsd le a Send to Kindle programot
  • Indítsd el a Send to Kindle programot a Start memüből ha magától nem indulna el a telepítés után
  • Írd be az email címedet és jelszavadat amivel az Amazon fiókodba jelentkezel be

  • Jelöld be a Keep me signed in jelölő négyzetet és kattints a Sign-in gombra


Vásárold meg a könyvet .mobi formátumban.

Jelöld ki az elektronikus könyvet

Keresd meg a .mobi könyv file-t a Windows Fájlkezelőben

A jobb egér gombbal kattints a .mobi file-ra

Válaszd a Küldés -> Kindle opciót

Töltsd fel a könyvet

  • Jelöld meg, hogy melyik Kindle készülékekre kerüljön fel a könyv. Elküldheted az összes készülékre egyidőben.
  • Hagyd az Archive document in your Kindle Library-t bejelölve
  • Kattints a Send gombra

Paint grass in a desert theme in Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines use the grass texture to fill the map where there is no water or rock. The desert theme replaces the green color of the grass with light brown. So the “grass” texture is still the background on the map, but the color is not green.

The ground resources tool is able to paint fertile land, but it also uses the grass texture. The tool can paint ore, so if we change the texture of ore to green grass, we can paint green areas in the desert.

To paint grass in a desert-themed game, create a new theme with green grass as the texture for ore.

Texture file

  • Create a texture file, or download one from the internet.

You can download free seamless game texture files from
Grass texture: ground_grass_gen_10.png

Save the texture file at “C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\Addons\ThemeEditor\ThemeTextures”

Create a new theme

  • Open the Theme Editor and load an existing theme.
  • Open the Terrain Properties tool
  • Select the Ore icon
  • Select the texture file and click the Select button
  • Create a snapshot
    • Open the Snapshot tool
    • Click with the left mouse button to take a snapshot
  • Save the theme with a new name, don’t forget to change the name from “New theme”

Install the mod

  • Install and activate the Extra Landscaping Tools mod by BoodyPinguin. It will allow you to place natural resources in the game.

Paint the grass

  • In the game open the Natural Resources tool
  • Paint ore where you want to show grass.
  • You can use the sand tool to trim the edge of the grass.

Duplicate prefab name


Error message about duplicate prefab name during game loading


If autosave is enabled in the asset editor, and you open an existing asset to create a new one based on it, autosave can save the work-in-progress asset as an autosave file. When you load the next game you may get the error message:

An error occurred
Broken asstes:
Custom assets:
Duplicate prefab name [BrokenAssetException]


Delete the AutoSave.crp file from the “C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\Addons\Assets” directory.

Error building assembly … cannot find metadata file in Cities: Skylines


Errors building assembly c:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\Addons\Mods\MY_MIX_NAME
(0,0): error CS0006: cannot find metadata flie ‘…steamapps\common\Cities_Skylines\Cities_Data\Managed’
(0,0): error CS0006: cannot find metadata flie ‘…steamapps\common\Cities_Skylines\Cities_Data\Managed’


The Theme Mixer 2 causes this error if you try to export a mix.

Even if you uninstall the mod, every time the game starts, the message appears in the Debug Output.


Delete the MY_MIX_NAME directory you find in the “C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\Addons\Mods” folder

Cities: Skylines notes

As I use Cities: Skylines I want to share tips and tricks I learn while I build my maps and cities.

The game scale

Game elementReal life size
1 cell8 meters
1 tile240 cells = 1920 meters
9 tiles17,280 meters
Zoning grid depth4 cells = 32 meters
Curb30 cm high, as roads are sunken into the terrain.
Basic road2 cells = 16 meters wide
Asphalt 10 meters wide
Vehicle lane 3 meters wide
Parking lane 2 meters wide
Four-lane road4 cells = 32 meters wide
Asphalt width including the median 22.4 meters
Asphalt width on each side of the median 8 meters
Median width 6.4 meters
Vehicle lane width 3 meters
Parking lane width 2 meters
Highway rampWidth 12 meters
Asphalt width 8 meters
Lane width 4 meters
3 lane highwayWidth 22 meters
Asphalt width 18 meters
Lane width 4 meters
Train tracksGauge 1.6046 meters
Distance between rail centers 1.724meters
Rail width 11.94 cm
Distance between the centers of 2 parallel tracks 4 meters
Tram tracksSame as train, but the distance between the centers of two parallel tracks is 3 meters
MonorailTrack width 66 cm
Distance between the centers of two parallel tracks is 3 meters.


The Cities: Skylines game use multiple units to display elevations and distances.

ToolUnitRelative to
Landscaping toolmetersLowest elevation (0 meters)
Roads toolRoad segment length 1 unit = 8 metersRoad segment start
Fine Road Tool modmeter
Precision engineering modmeterLowest elevation (0 meters)
  • The Landscaping tool’s Level Terrain feature shows the elevation in units, relative to elevation 0. The original ground level is at 60 unit elevation.
  • The Roads tool displays the road segment lengths in units. 1 unit is 8 meters.
  • On the Options page of Klyte’s Fine Road Tool mod set the units to metric or imperial units.
  • The Precision Engineering mod shows the road segment length and elevation in meters relative to the original ground level of 60 units. Press the Shift key to see this extra information.

Minimum clearances

AboveBridge height
Cruise ships32-33 m
Ferries12 m
Railroad, roads12 m


Water sources in games

In the map editor, you can add water sources to your maps. In game mode, the original game does not have the means to add more water sources. Subscribe to BoodyPinguin’s Extra Landscaping Tools mod to add water sources in your games.

Sea level

In the map editor you can set the sea level by typing a number, the mod in the city only uses the mouse to drag the sea level up and down. To set the level more precisely

  • Use the Landscaping Tool’s Level Terrain feature to create a small flat top island in the sea.
  • Select the Water tool, and select the Move Sea Level option.
  • Move the mouse up and down to set the water level to the top of the island.

Containing waste water pollution

When you discharge waste water to lakes and the sea, it can pollute the drinking water supply. Place a water source with the water level lower than the lake or sea level. It creates a drain to generate a current and remove the pollution.


If the traffic is too dense, turn on vehicle despanning. When the vehicles arrive to their destination they disappear.

  • Subscribe and activate the TM:PE (Traffic Manager: President Edition ) mod
  • On the top of the screen click the TM:PE Main menu button (looks like a traffic light)
  • In the upper right corner of the window click the Toggle automatic vehicle despawning button to turn on despawning.

The Los Angeles 1947 Pacific Electric Railway in Cities: Skylines

I wanted to recreate the Los Angeles Pacific Electric Railway system based on the 1947 system map in Cities: Skylines. Los Angeles at the beginning of the 20th century had hundreds of miles of electric street cars connecting downtown LA with the surrounding cities.

I have found the high-definition PDF version of the Pacific Electric Railway system map at

The website contains lots of great pictures, maps, and other information on the Pacific Electric and Los Angeles railway systems.

The links below contain the system map in PDF and PNG formats.

I have created a Cities: Skylines map based on the PDF file and shared it on the Steam Workshop:

Los Angeles 1947 v 07 published version

You can use the PNG file as an overlay to easily transfer the road and train layout to your city. For instructions see Transfer streets to your city in Cities: Skylines using a PNG image file

The map uses the 81 tiles mod by BloodyPenguin. The current version as of writing is “81 Tiles (Fixed for 1.2+)” at

You need this mod installed and activated to be able to work with the map. See Work with an 81-tile city in Cities: Skylines for instructions on how to use the mod.

The map also contains Santa Catalina Island in approximate position and shape. If you want to build Avalon, you need to do some terraforming to make room for the casino, the harbor, and the rest of the city. I have not added any sandy beaches on the main land and the island, it is a fun project to recreate them with the terraforming tool. The reservoirs and rivers don’t have water sources to avoid flooding if you block any of the rivers during construction. If you want to get water from them, use Boody Pinguin’s Extra Landscaping Tools mod to add water sources.

Historic Vehicles

Get historic vehicles

Subscribe to -Historic/Veteran Vehicles- No’s all in one at

Disable the default (modern) vehicles

Follow the instructions at

  • Install the Advanced Vehicle Options mod from
  • In the Content Manager activate the mod
  • Start the game
  • In the lower right corner click the Advanced Vehicle Options button
  • For each vehicle set the Allow this vehicle to spawn checkbox.
  • Export the vehicle configuration if you want to be able to import it into other cities. It will be saved at C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\AdvancedVehicleOptions_VehicleData.xml

Transfer streets to your city in Cities: Skylines using a PNG image file

To transfer real life places to Cities: skylines you can use the Image Overlay 2 mod. It superimposes the selected PNG file over your layout with configurable position, rotation and transparency. See Cities: Skylines mods for more information.

Map editor

To create a map of a real life navigate to Cities: Skylines online heightmap generator to download the

  • Map image
  • Height map

To create a map using a height map in Cities: Skylines:

  • 1. Choose a height map from a trusted source or create your own using a software like Photoshop or GIMP. The height map should be a grayscale image and must have a resolution of 1081×1081 pixels.
  • 2. Open Cities: Skylines and click on “New Game” and then select “Map Editor.”
  • 3. Click on “Import Heightmap” and select the grayscale image you want to use for your map.
  • 4. Adjust the settings for sea level, water flow, and terrain height to your liking.
  • 5. Add resources and adjust the terrain using the terrain tools.
  • 6. Add roads, buildings, and other assets to your map.
  • 7. Test your map by clicking on “Play” and selecting the “Map” tab.
  • 8. Save your map and share it with other Cities: Skylines players online.

Remember that creating a map using a heightmap can be time consuming and requires patience and attention to detail. But the result can be a beautifully crafted and realistic city that you can be proud of.

Configure Cities: Skylines to use the PNG file as an overlay

  • Create a PNG file of the street layout
    • To convert a PDF file to PNG, use the free PDF to PNG converter at
  • Save the PNG file in the “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Cities_Skylines\Files” directory where your Steam games are on your hard drive
  • Install the Image Overlay 2 mod
  • Configure the mod to read the image files from the directory where the image file is

To display the overlay

  • Open the city
  • Press Shift + Enter to display and hide the overlay


  • In the old version if the image does not move, press Shift + V to unlock the image. It looks like the new version does not lock the image anymore.

Work with an 81-tile city in Cities: Skylines

When you start a new city in Cities: Skylines even if you have the 81 tiles mod installed, the map only shows one tile. To unlock all tiles

Before opening the city

  • Install the 81 tiles mod

Start a new city

  • Press ESC to open the menu
  • Select Options
  • In the Mods settings section click the 81 tiles item
  • Click the Unlock all tiles for free button


When the 81 tiles mod is installed, it is very important to exit to the Desktop every time you switch between cities or editors, otherwise, you will get errors in the game. Always select Quit game to Desktop. Returning to the Desktop clears the memory for a fresh start for the next session.

A Legjobb Pizza Tészta recept

Posted byLaszlo Pinter  Leave a commenton The Best Pizza Dough recipe EditThe Best Pizza Dough recipe

Elegendő 2 nagy pizzához.


2 vékony nagy, vagy 1 vastag nagy pizzához

  • 175 ml (3/4 bögre) langyos (40-43 °C) víz ( körülbelül 20 másodpercig melegítsük a mikróban )
  • 1/2 teáskanál cukor
  • 1-1/8 teáskanál por élesztő ( 1/2 csomag )
  • 250 g (2 bögre) finomliszt
  • 1/2 teáskanál só
  • 40 ml (1/6 bögre) oliva olaj

2 vastag nagy pizzához

  • 350 ml (1-1/2 bögre) langyos (40-43 °C) víz ( körülbelül 30 másodpercig melegítsük a mikróban )
  • 1 teáskanál cukor
  • 2-1/4 teáskanál por élesztő ( 1 csomag )
  • 500 g (4 bögre) finomliszt
  • 1 teáskanál só
  • 80 ml (1/3 bögre) oliva olaj


  1. Keverjük össze a langyos vizet, cukrot és élesztőt egy kicsi edényben. Várjunk 10 percet, vagy amíg felhabzik.
  2. A dagasztógép edényében 3-5 percig keverjük össze a lisztet, sót, oliva olajat és az élesztő keveréket a dagasztó hurokkal. A tészta kész, amikor lágy és rugalmas, és tisztán lejön az edéy faláról.
  3. Ha vékony pizzát készítünk, kelesztés nélkül azonnal dolgozhatunk vele.
  4. Ha vastag pizzát készítünk, vagy aznap később akarunk pizzát készíteni, formázzunk gömböt a tésztából és tegyük egy kiolajozott edénybe. Olajozzuk be a tésszta gömböt is és takarjuk le az edényt fóliával vagy fedéllel.
  5. Ha vastag pizzát készítünk, kelesszük 30 percig, vagy tegyük be a hőtőbe amíg dolgozni kezdünk vele.
  6. Ha nem akarunk aznap pizzát sütni, fagyasszuk le a a tésztát.


  • Melegítsük elő a sütőt a legmagasabb lehetséges hőmérsékletre.
  • Ha 290 °C-on sütünk, a pizza 8 – 10 perc alatt elkészül.