MyHerigate családfa importálása

Ha MyHeritage családfa file-t kaptunk emailben, importálhatjuk, és tovább dolgozhatunk benne.

Importáld a családfát

  • Töltsd le a kapott csatolmányt az emailből. Ez általában a Letöltések mappába kerül.
  • Indítsd el a MyHeritage programot
  • A File menüben válaszd a GEDCOM importálása opciót
  • Kattints a Tallózás gombra
  • Válaszd a Letöltések mappát
  • Jelöld ki a letöltött file-t
  • Kattints a Kiválasztás gombra
  • Kattints a Tovább gombra
  • Kattints a Tovább gombra
  • Hagyd az Új származástani project létrehozása opciót kiválasztva és kattints a Tovább gombra
  • Kattints a Befejezés gombra

MyHeritage családfa exportálása és küldése emailben

A MyHeritage program ingyenes verziója csak 41 családtag adatát osztja meg a felhőben, így nagyobb családfákat emailben tudunk egymásnak küldeni.

Exportáld a családfát

  • Indítsd el a MyHeritage programot és nyisd meg a családfát
  • A File menüben válaszd a GEDCOM exportálása opciót
  • Kattints a Mentés másként gombra
  • Kattints a kis nyílra és a file helyének válaszd az Asztalt
  • Kattints a Mentés gombra
  • Kattints a Tovább gombra
  • Irj be a Fájl leírása mezőbe és kattints a Tovább gombra
  • Ha a magyar nyelv megfelelő, kattints a Tovább gombra
  • Kattints a Tovább gombra
  • Kattints a Befejezés gombra

Küldd el a családfát emailben

  • Az email programodban kezdj egy új email-t.
  • Csatold hozzá az exportált file-t az Asztalról

Cities: Skylines mods

If you want to build your own mods, you can find great information at

Mods make the Cities: Skylines game more life-like and enjoyable. Modders add functionality that the game producers did not feel important, or just didn’t think about.

Unfortunately when a new version of the game is released, some mods “break”, and stop working. This happened after the Plazas and Promenades update on September 14, 2022.

You can find the Cities: Skylines game version in the lower left corner of the Paradox Interactive launcher.

When you open the Content Manager of the game and one of the mods shows that it is out of date, Steam did not download the update.

To get the latest version of the mod

  • Unsubscribe the mod
  • Close the game
  • Close Steam
  • Open steam again
  • Open the game again (Play)
  • Open the Content Manager
  • Subscribe to the mod again

This list contains mods compatible with Plazas&Promenades DLC at

This is the current list of mods I use, compatible with the Plazas and Promenades update

81 Tiles 2

(Works with ver. 2023.4.1)
A complete ground-up rewrite of the venerable ’81 tiles’ modEnable
– electricity transmission without powerlines
– electricity transmission along roads
– water, sewage, and heating transmission without pipes
– ignore original water buildings
– ignore area unlocking progression
– permit building outside of owned tiles
Click the Unlock all areas button
Advanced Vehicle Options 1.9.11

(As of 2023 April 10 Causes “Object reference not set to an instance of an object” error in ver. 2023.4.1)
This mod let you customize various options about vehicles.In-game hotkey: Alt-Shift-O
BOB, the Tree and Prop Replacer 1.0

(Works with ver. 2023.4.1)
Beautify Our Builds (BOB).
Universal Beauty Manager Tool TChange Ugly Props And Trees OBury Them (UBMTTCUPATOBT).
– Press Alt-B and click the object to open the BOB panel.
– Set probability to 0% to hide prop, tree, parking space.
– Offset is in meters: X left and right or across the width of the network, Y up and down, Z along depth of building or along the network
Clouds & Fog Toggler

(Works with ver. 2023.4.1)
Disable clouds and distance fog that blocks your view when zooming out. Also allows to disable industrial smog and edge fog.Disable
– clouds
– industial smog
– distance fog
– edge fog
Common Ground

(Works with ver. 2023.4.1)
This mod makes terrain outside the purchased area and in the map editor behave as if it was purchased. This means higher terrain mesh resolution, and surface modifications such as clipping or gravel work.Set the number of tiles to render in Options. For the editor select 81 tiles.
Compatibility Report v2.3.2 (Catalogue 7.17)
This mod checks all your subscribed mods for compatibility issues and missing dependencies.
Extra Landscaping Tools by BloodyPenguin

(Works with ver. 2023.4.1)
Allows to place natural resources in-game + provides configurable tree brush&pencil, terraform and water tool.
Harmony 2.2.2-0 (Mod Dependency) [1.16.0-f3 compatible]

(Works with ver. 2023.4.1)
This is a dependency for various other mods.

It provides Andreas Pardeike’s Harmony patching library[] (version 2.2) to all mods that require it.
Image Overlay Renewal 1.8.3

(Works with ver. 2023.4.1)
Image Overlay 2 is an updated version of Image Overlay by Lanceris.
See Recommended map making related website on the mod’s page for useful resources.
Copy the background PNG file into C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Cities_Skylines\Files

Press CTRL-I to display the config panel.

To re-align an image with your existing layout:
– first, align the upper left corner,
– adjust the side length and rotation to match your layout in the lower right corner,
– make small adjustments and repeat the steps for best result, as changing the side length usually moves the upper left corner too.

Click the Apply opacity button the apply the Opacity value changes.
Press Shift-Enter to control the visibility of the overlay.
Fine Road Tool 2.0.4This mod allows you to set finer road elevation steps and also provides different building modes.
Loading Order Mod V1.15.7 (STABLE)
Loading the game with LOM enabled will automatically sort mods in a deterministic manner (independent of sub order) that will put harmony first. This default load order solves load-order-related bugs and minimizes the loading time for most cases.
Move It 2.10.3

This mod allows you to select, move and align various things.
Network Anarchy

Using Harmony 2

(Works with ver. 2023.4.1)
This mod adds additional options when building networks (roads, quays, etc) and provides game-wide anarchy to let you break the placement rules.
NoPillars ( v1.1+ compatible )
(NOT COMPATIBLE, use Network Skins instead)
Build bridges without pillars over canals and other objects.In Options turn off “Reset drop box position on panel hiding”

Network Skins BETA

(Works with ver. 2023.4.1)
Change the visual appearance of roads, train tracks and pedestrian paths per segment.
Node Controller Renewal

(Freezes reported)
The new UI allows you to make the perfect intersection with just a few clicks.Activate in game with CTRL-N
Patch Loader ModCore dependency of FPS Booster
Picker 4.0.1

Uses Harmony 2

(Works with ver. 2023.4.1)
With Picker, you can choose any object placed on the map to open its construction menu and select it, ready to place again. Also known as a pipette or an eye-dropper tool.
Ploppable Asphalt +Allows using road shaders on props for ploppable asphalt, pavement, cliff, grass, gravel surfaces.
Precision Engineering

(Works with ver. 2023.4.1)
Precision Engineering augments Cities: Skylines by adding angle snapping, guidelines, and additional information to assist you when building roads, train lines, pipes, and power lines.
Prop & Tree Anarchy by BloodyPenguinPlace props & trees wherever you like
Quay AnarchyAllows placing quays and flood walls anywhere. Also fixes ‘Height too high’ for quays, flood walls, cargo and passenger harbors
TM:PE STABLE (Traffic Manager: President Edition)

Improve lane and parking usage. and customize junctions, roads, and rails! This is the stable release with tested features.

Restore files with iDrive

With the iDrive web interface, you can restore files to the computer where the file was backed up, download it to the computer where the web interface opened, or copy files to any other computer in the account.

Open the iDrive web interface

Restore files

Restore to the original computer

  • On the left margin click Dashboard, Computers, and select the computer where the file was backed up
  • On the Restore tab select the files to restore
  • At the bottom of the page select Restore to …

Download files with the web interface

To download files to the computer where you use the web interface

  • On the left margin click Dashboard, Computers, and select the computer where the file was backed up
  • On the Restore tab select the files to restore
  • At the bottom left click Download to this computer, at the bottom right also click Download to this computer.

Copy files to another computer in the account

To copy files to another computer in the account

  • In the web UI on the left margin click Dashboard, Computers, and select the computer where you want to restore the file to
  • On the left select the Restore tab,
  • and on the top, select the computer where the file was backed up
  • Select the files or folders to restore
  • At the bottom left select the Restore location
  • At the bottom right click the Restore to … button

iDrive backup setup and configuration

There are many options to configure the iDrive cloud backup. Here are a few settings that can be useful for better recovery.

Install iDrive

Log into the application

Use the email address and password of the account owner to log into the application. One personal account can back up an unlimited number of computers as long as the space purchased can accommodate the backups

Multiple hard drives

  • If you have multiple hard drives in your computer consider backing up all of them. To select all hard drives, on the Backup tab click the Change button
  • Select the second hard drive and click the OK button

Frequent backup

If you want to make sure your files are backed up frequently, and you don’t miss a backup if your computer was turned off during the scheduled backup

  • On the Settings page, Scheduler tab select
    • Hourly schedule
    • Start the missed backup when the computer is turned on and click the Save changes button
  • On the Settings page, General tab
    • Enable Continuous Data Protection
    • Enable Ask me where to save files / folders before restore
    • Disable Wake up the computer from Hibernate / Sleep mode

Do not exclude important files

To backup all important files

  • On the Settings page, Exclusion tab uncheck
    • AppData

For better user experience

To keep your computer running fine even during backups you can limit the backup activity.

  • On the Settings page, Throttle tab enable Auto-Pause and set the CPU throttle value to 20%

If you run out of space

There are options to manage the space you use in the cloud.
WARNING: These steps delete files from the cloud which are not on your computer. So if you have deleted files accidentally, first restore those files from the cloud.

Delete all files from the cloud that have been already deleted from your computer

This step immediately deletes all files from the cloud that have been deleted from your computer, even accidentally.

  • On the Settings page, Archive Cleanup tab set the Files considered for cleanup to 100%, and click the Cleanup Now button

To avoid running out of space in the future

You can set up automatic cleanup to delete files that you delete from your computer, but it will delete files that even were deleted accidentally.

  • On the Settings page, Archive Cleanup tab enable Periodic Cleanup. This will delete files every 30 days from the cloud that are no longer on your computer. If the number of files to be deleted is greater than the selected percentage (5% by default), the cleanup does not happen to avoid losing files in case of system failure or accidental loss of many files.

Manage multiple computers

With an iDrive personal account you can back up unlimited number of computers into the cloud space you have purchased.

To monitor the backup status of multiple computers

  • Log into the iDrive web interface at
  • On the Dashboard you can check the backup status of all your computers

To configure a computer remotely

  • On the Dashboard click the Setup button of the computer

To manage multiple computers

  • On the Settings page set the option and click the broadcast button to set the option on multiple computers
  • Click the Yes button to send the setting to all computers

Freight train traffic jam in Cities: Skylines

If there are too many trains causing traffic jams in your game, you can fix it by reorganizing your train network.

There is an excellent explanation of how Cities: Skylines spans trains through the outside connections at

In summary

  • Create a separate train station for each outside train connection,
  • Separate the intercity and local train traffic to its own train networks.

Elektronikus könyv küldése az Amazon Kindle-re a Send to Kindle programmal

A legegyszerűbben az Amazon által készített Send to Kindle programmal tudjuk az elektronikus könyvet a Kindle-re küldeni.

A program telepítése

  • Töltsd le a Send to Kindle programot
  • Indítsd el a Send to Kindle programot a Start memüből ha magától nem indulna el a telepítés után
  • Írd be az email címedet és jelszavadat amivel az Amazon fiókodba jelentkezel be

  • Jelöld be a Keep me signed in jelölő négyzetet és kattints a Sign-in gombra


Vásárold meg a könyvet .mobi formátumban.

Jelöld ki az elektronikus könyvet

Keresd meg a .mobi könyv file-t a Windows Fájlkezelőben

A jobb egér gombbal kattints a .mobi file-ra

Válaszd a Küldés -> Kindle opciót

Töltsd fel a könyvet

  • Jelöld meg, hogy melyik Kindle készülékekre kerüljön fel a könyv. Elküldheted az összes készülékre egyidőben.
  • Hagyd az Archive document in your Kindle Library-t bejelölve
  • Kattints a Send gombra

Paint grass in a desert theme in Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines use the grass texture to fill the map where there is no water or rock. The desert theme replaces the green color of the grass with light brown. So the “grass” texture is still the background on the map, but the color is not green.

The ground resources tool is able to paint fertile land, but it also uses the grass texture. The tool can paint ore, so if we change the texture of ore to green grass, we can paint green areas in the desert.

To paint grass in a desert-themed game, create a new theme with green grass as the texture for ore.

Texture file

  • Create a texture file, or download one from the internet.

You can download free seamless game texture files from
Grass texture: ground_grass_gen_10.png

Save the texture file at “C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\Addons\ThemeEditor\ThemeTextures”

Create a new theme

  • Open the Theme Editor and load an existing theme.
  • Open the Terrain Properties tool
  • Select the Ore icon
  • Select the texture file and click the Select button
  • Create a snapshot
    • Open the Snapshot tool
    • Click with the left mouse button to take a snapshot
  • Save the theme with a new name, don’t forget to change the name from “New theme”

Install the mod

  • Install and activate the Extra Landscaping Tools mod by BoodyPinguin. It will allow you to place natural resources in the game.

Paint the grass

  • In the game open the Natural Resources tool
  • Paint ore where you want to show grass.
  • You can use the sand tool to trim the edge of the grass.

Duplicate prefab name


Error message about duplicate prefab name during game loading


If autosave is enabled in the asset editor, and you open an existing asset to create a new one based on it, autosave can save the work-in-progress asset as an autosave file. When you load the next game you may get the error message:

An error occurred
Broken asstes:
Custom assets:
Duplicate prefab name [BrokenAssetException]


Delete the AutoSave.crp file from the “C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\Addons\Assets” directory.